Gum Disease Treatment
Periodontitis (also known as Gum disease) is an inflammatory condition that results in the destruction of the tissue and bone that secures the tooth into the jaw.
Periodontitis develops when the pocket surrounding the tooth is colonised by bacteria to a level that the immune system is triggered. The destruction caused by the inflammatory defences of the body is what characterises the main symptoms of the disease. Because this condition is a host dependant disease, once periodontitis is established it becomes almost impossible to cure it. Therefore here at Blyth Family Dental Practice we would rather the disease is prevented before it even occurs, this is why we encourage regular visits to the Hygiene Therapist.
If a patient does develop periodontal disease, then our aim is to control the disease, so no further damage occurs. This is achieved by making sure that each patient has an individual care plan drawn up by the Hygiene Therapist and your Dentist that allows them to control their own periodontal condition. We will then provide support and, as required, deeper cleaning so that pocket inflammation can be eliminated, and further destruction prevented.
At Blyth Family Dental Practice, our Dentists and Hygiene Therapist work with you to give you great Oral Health advice, and also offer all aspects of periodontal treatment when required.